
🌺 Welcome to Term 3 🤩 School starts 8:55 am ✅ Kia pai te rā 🌞


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August 2020 Report

Teachers have high expectations of their students’ learning and achievement. Learning programmes relate to the school’s redesigned localised curriculum. Teachers differentiate programmes to challenge students’ thinking. These approaches help to meet the specific learning needs and interests of individual students. Students are well engaged in classrooms and experience increased agency and ownership of their learning.

A positive learning culture has been further developed through regular and meaningful consultation with students and their whānau. This approach has increased parents, whānau and the local community participation in the life of the school. These positive and active relationships support students to be successful learners.

The most significant areas of progress and development include:

  • positive upward trends in student achievement in reading, writing and mathematics
  • schoolwide teaching programmes that better reflect the principles and aims of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC)
  • providing targeted professional learning and development (PLD) which is improving teachers’ capacity to meet the needs of individual students
  • increased opportunities for student-led learning
  • improved leadership opportunities for teachers.